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Don’t Cut Grass, Cut Time & Money with Synthetic Turf

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on November 2, 2017
Artificial GrassArtificial LawnArtificial TurfSynthetic Turf
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Excited about cutting grass? Ready to spend more money on lawn care? We know your not and we are here to help with synthetic turf.

Stop spending your hard earned cash and valuable time on lawn upkeep. Installing synthetic turf on your property can eliminate the time spent on maintaining your natural lawn. Simple things like mowing, trimming, and weed-eating can be gone forever with the installation of turf! Forget about spending hours and hours on lawn work!


Installing synthetic grass in your lawn will not only eliminates the time spent working on your lawn, but it also eliminate the time and money associated with supplies and equipment. Weed-eaters and lawnmowers are not only gas guzzlers, but they are expensive in order to maintain. This equipment will require frequent repairs and ultimately will have to be replaced when the time comes.

By installing synthetic turf, you eliminate the chemical treatments and products needed to keep your grass alive, weed-free, and looking beautiful. With synthetic turf, there is no need to purchase these different chemicals, like fertilizer and bug repellent, because artificial turf doesn’t need fertilizer to look great and the turf doesn’t offer bugs the environment they need to survive. Keep your lawn looking great and inviting without all of these chemicals.

Artificial Turf Express offers synthetic turf for both commercial and residential properties. Our affordable prices will help eliminate the headache of taking care of your natural grass. The initial cost of turf will save you a bunch of time and money over the lifespan of the turf. Money is a nice thing to save, but your time is more valuable than anything else. This time could be better spent on fun outings, time with the kids, more sports or golf, weekends with your significant other or playtime with your animals! Take back your life by installing synthetic grass.

Our synthetic turf will help you save:

  • Time from maintenance of lawn and equipment
  • Money spent on supplies, chemicals, and lawn care
  • the headache of worrying about your lawn

Contact Artificial Turf Express today to see how we can help transform your lawn from a time-consuming money hole to an enjoyable experience for you and the whole family.