Monday - Friday: 7:30AM - 4:30PM Saturday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM

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DIY Turf Blog

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Unique DIY Projects With Artificial Turf


Artificial turf isn’t just for yards anymore. There are many unique and creative ways you can use artificial turf to add flair to your space. The good news is DYI projects require little time or additional money. In fact, many can be done in just an afternoon. One of the reasons artificial grass has become…

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Synthetic Turf Durability: Can Turf Hold Up Against My Dogs?


Some homeowners considering artificial grass worry their pets will tear into their new investment. It’s an understandable worry. Artificial grass installation can be a significant upfront cost and you want to make the most of it over a minimum 10-year period, so synthetic turf durability comes into question. Pet owners find that artificial grass is…

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How Safe Is Artificial Grass Infill?


Synthetic grass offers a lot of options for homeowners, especially those in areas where water is a premium. California homeowners find relief with the product because it is used to create a beautiful landscape while dramatically reducing water use and freeing up time because of its low maintenance. However, there are things surrounding the installation of…

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