Outdoor living areas can be difficult to utilize. You may have an indoor or outdoor deck surface surrounding your pool or patio, but how are you using the rest of your yard? Most people aren’t using it at all, which makes artificial grass a great option.
Many people turn to wood surfaces, but they tend to get moldy and slick. Not only that, they don’t always last and will need treatment overtime. Others turn to concrete surfaces, which tend to show messes, are uncomfortable to walk/sit on and are usually just plain ugly.
Have you ever considered converting your extra space to a usable, comfortable, soft, natural-looking surface? It’s easy when you consider artificial grass! Artificial grass is a friendlier, longer-lasting alternative to concrete, patio tiles, wood, and other surfaces used around pools. Artificial turf is even easy to maintain and could help you save time and money when it comes to the upkeep of other surfaces. And don’t worry about tripping or falling because artificial turf when installed correctly is smooth and soft!
Artificial grass is even great for urban residents. Artificial grass is a smart solution for lofts, apartment buildings, or commercial building roof tops. It brings a nature feeling to the inner city and can turn your outdoor space into a more enjoyable experience. Another important aspect to consider is the easy installation of artificial turf compared to other products like wood or concrete. It is lightweight and can be installed anywhere!
With Artificial Turf Express, you get a surface that is:
- Long lasting
- Affordable
- Easily Maintained
- Clean & Beautiful
- Always accessible
- Quick to drain
- Soft and plush to the touch
- Comfortable
- Reduces overall costs
Expand your outdoor living area and start enjoying this space! You deserve to be able to enjoy your full lawn! Contact Artificial Turf Express today.