Creating a welcoming display or booth space in a cavernous exhibit hall is never an easy task. Why not consider a new interpretation of “bringing the outdoors in” by creating a lush beautiful greenspace to showcase your retail products?Think about it. Attendees are walking around on hard concrete floors, breathing recycled air and squinting in artificial light. Aren’t they more likely to be attracted into a space that looks cool, soft and green?
Artificial turf is a great exhibit product because it’s easy to size and transport, easier than carpet to keep neat and clean, and makes the perfect backdrop for everything from sportswear and apparel to outdoor furnishings and equipment to home remodeling services to high-tech and mobile devices. It can be used horizontally on floor or display areas or vertically to create a “living” wall. It’s tough, so it stands up to traffic and spills. It can be easily cut to fit and attached to cover virtually any surface. And it’s lightweight and easy to ship, stage and store.
Wouldn’t your product look great displayed in a luxurious “outdoor” setting? Give me a call and let’s talk about your schedule, budget and options.
ArtificialTurfExpress offers a range of purchase-off-the-roll options that are perfect for indoor and outdoor trade shows, exhibit spaces, and special events. Check with us first for the most variety and value. speak to an advisor, call 408.413.3179.