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Top 5 Uses for Artificial Turf Remnants

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on January 20, 2017
Artificial LawnArtificial Turf
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Many customers shop at Artificial Turf Express in search of artificial turf remnants to find smaller, less expensive pieces to use for their various projects or in place of other household material. Whether it be for a doormat, an art project, a floor mat inside your car or for your very own budget do-it-yourself project in your front or back yard – here are the top 5 uses for artificial turf remnants.


Potty pads for pets

It is very common to see customers looking to make their pets’ lives easier as well as their own by purchasing discounted turf to use as potty pads for their pets. We know how our little ones can be very picky about where they go, however the pickins are slim for buying low price, quality turf especially if you’re only looking to cover a small amount of space (2’x3′ or 3’x5′). This is where artificial turf remnants come in handy. After any installation there is a considerable amount of leftover turf. When that spare turf returns to the business it can be resized and resold as remnant turf at a fraction of its original price!


Do-it-yourself applications

Many of our customers come in looking for artificial turf remnants to help improve the look and feel of their homes without having to give an arm and a leg. This use is definitely of the more popular in the top 5 uses for artificial turf remnants because of how often customers come in looking for relatively cheap turf. When we receive the leftover turf from installations, rather than scrap the turf, we acquire the dimensions of each piece, roll them up and offer them for sale at a substantially cheaper price. This provides our customers with a low cost option for smaller yards/projects with still premium turf that can help to improve property value and give an excellent look and feel to their homes.


Personal use and creative/art projects

Every so often, customers come in looking for something specific to their needs. Whether it be to create a turf masterpiece or acquire new lushy green seat covers for the bathroom. For the price and selection of quality turf we are confident their turf needs will be met. Many of the remnant artificial turf pieces we offer come in a variety of sizes ranging from smaller pieces (4′ x 4′) to larger pieces (10’x10′) depending on what materials we receive back from installation crews. Since there is no way to really predict what our remnant inventory will look like on a day to day basis, chances are if we don’t have a customers ideal piece of turf, checking in a week or two later, we may receive something more of their liking. There are many other creative uses for synthetic grass, check some of them out here.


Minor applications

There is a wide variety of uses for minor applications with artificial turf remnants. Customers have picked up remnants for replacing doormats and car floor mats. They are useful for the outdoors, whether be to wipe your feet before entering your tent on a camping trip, or to spruce up the look outside your RV. Minor decorative applications like cushioning the steps up to your patio or deck are can be fun creative ways to improve your home and at very little cost to our customers check book.


General Decor and Home Improvement

It seems customers can never really run out of ideas to deck out their homes with artificial turf remnants. Especially so with remnant turf being so affordable and easier to manage than larger pieces of turf straight from the roll. Whether it be for giving their little ones a nice lush ground to setup their jungle gym, or give your outside dining area just the thing it needed, artificial turf remnants can fit almost any budget and any home improvement project one can imagine!