Artificial lawns are one of the few landscaping products that continue to get better and better with new technology, especially over the past few years. While pavers and stamped concrete have made small strides in product development, many of today’s artificial grass products are now manufactured especially for homeowners that care about the look and feel of the products as opposed to sports performance.
In the past, how these products looked, took a backseat to how well they performed on athletic fields. This meant they did not look very attractive and were never considered as an alternative solution because well, they looked like your fathers AstroTurf.
Today, these new products are now made with multicolor blades, different looking brown tones (thatch) and even have extra padding for fall protection in the form of (Infill)… all with a collective focus on replicating grass and then some.
Certainly, both the economy and environmental issues have helped to drive homeowners to seek out alternatives to the real thing with an effort on reducing long-term costs. Though far more expensive than real grass to buy and install — cost is in upwards of three or more times as much as natural turf, or roughly $6,000 to $10,000 on average for a typical artificial grass professional installation — however, the over-lifetime savings does add up to a net gain.

After all, these lawns require no seeding, fertilizing or trimming; homeowners do little more than hose down the grass when it’s dirty and occasionally break out a rake to fluff up any matted patches and often times the sprinkler systems are left intact for the occasional rinse and cleaning.
The artificial grass industry also boasts environmental benefits, including fewer pollution-spewing mowers, a reduction in harsh chemicals such as fertilizer or insecticide and, most important, significantly less water use. In drought-prone regions, municipalities and surrounding areas some cites are even providing rebates for residents who remove areas of natural lawn and replace with synthetic turf.
Besides the obvious long-term benefits, these new products are also great to look at. Today’s products look so real they can even fool the naked eye and offer a wonderful solution to the resource-robbing-lawn of today.
At ArtificialTurfExpress we are working hard at providing the Bay Area with real product choices when it comes to installing artificial grass. Whether you’re a contractor, landscaper or a Do-it-yourself, ArtificialTurfExpress has the right product for you – in stock!
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