One of the biggest concerns when making the decision to purchase a synthetic green lawn is how your pet will react. But, no need to worry because you’re animal will not even notice the difference – only you will! The improvements in your pet’s life are subtle, probably fewer baths! A dog will not even notice running around on synthetic grass rather than the natural grass. Your synthetic lawn will be very durable and unlikely to suffer any damage, digging, or muddy spots caused by a dog or other animal.
With a synthetic lawn you will no longer have:
- Areas in your lawn that are barren and muddy
- To clean your animals’ paws when it comes in during or after a storm
- To maintain your lawn, leaving you with more time to spend with your pet, or
- To worry with areas where your dog has dug a hole in your lawn
Now that you can see where your life will be improving, let me tell you how easy it is to maintain your synthetic lawn when you have animals. If you are worried about the clean up process of the lawn it is very simple! Synthetic lawns self clean when it rains! And for cleaning up after your pet, then all you have to do is pick up any solid mess that is left behind from the rain. The synthetic grass is made of a polyethylene and polypropylene blend that keeps it from becoming discolored from any waste material.
Through all the benefits of a synthetic lawn there is only one drawback that your dog might miss – a place to bury a bone. But with all the time you will save with the minimal lawn maintenance you will have to keep up, you and your pet will have so much more time to spend together!
Call 408.413.3179 to get what you need for your project.