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Know the Differences Between Infill and Thatch for DIY Artificial Turf

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on January 7, 2013
Artificial LawnArtificial Turf
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There are many different types of synthetic lawns and they each require a certain type of thatch or infill. It is very important to get the right type of infill or thatch to sustain your lawn for years to come. There are many different types of synthetic grasses and many need to have a certain type of infill or may not need one at all.

Infill can be made of a granular material, such as sand or rubber pellets that are about the size of sand grains or bigger. The infill is distributed under and around the artificial grass to keep the grass blades standing and to provide more cushion for any impact your lawn may have. Infill will allow your blades of grass to stand up taller and to last much longer.

Applying your DIY Artificial Turf infill is very easy! To evenly distribute the infill it is important to rake the granules so they fall evenly between the blades of turf.


Another way of providing your synthetic lawn with cushion and support is with thatch. Thatch is a layer of organic material that tends to form between the leaf blades – the organic material is often made of dead leafs and other debris. This type of infill is not as popular as sand or rubber pellets because it can hold lots of water, causing breakdown or discoloration.

ATE-blog-thatch-infill-150x150Along with synthetic turf that needs to have an infill, there is also a synthetic turf that does not require any infill. This type of synthetic grass has a strong enough support to keep the blades standing straight and provide a great cushion.

When purchasing your synthetic lawn please be sure to carefully read up or check in with us on the type of infill you need for your artificial turf to live up to its full potential.