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Improve Your Outdoor Deck with the Best Artificial Turf in San Jose

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on August 8, 2019
Artificial LawnArtificial Turf
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Make your outdoor deck stand out in a neighborhood of plain wooden decks and patios. Cover it using the best artificial turf in San Jose! In addition to the synthetic grass’s realistic looks, its soft texture and durable quality make it the ideal surface for outdoor decking!

Installing Synthetic Turf on Your Deck

While you can get installers of the best putting greens and turf landscapes to carry out your deck redesign, you can also do the project on your own. It’s easy. You just need to have the essential tools, invest in high-quality turf, and get to know the installation process. Here’s a quick guide:

  • What to Prepare for the Installation

Don’t start your project until you have all these tools and materials ready:

    • Artificial grass turf
    • Utility knife
    • Turf adhesive
    • Seam sealer
    • Lawn roller
    • Deck cleaner
    • Pump sprayer
    • Garden hose
    • Trowel
    • Weighted lawn roller


  • Steps to Preparing the Deck

Cleaning the deck is crucial for the synthetic turf’s adhesive to work. The surface must be washed thoroughly to ensure it’s free of dust, dirt, mildew and moss. Follow these steps:

    1. Remove all the furniture on the deck.
    2. Hose down the deck to prepare it for other cleaning solutions.
    3. Blend equal parts of water and deck cleaning fluid, then transfer the mixture into a sprayer. Apply the solution to the deck. Make sure it penetrates the wood well.
    4. Scrub the deck to clean it. Spray and scrub the deck again if it still appears dirty.
    5. Rinse the cleaning mixture off the deck with your hose.
    6. Let the deck dry off for at least 48 hours.

Once you’ve prepared the deck, you can go ahead with the installation proper.

  • Steps to Installing the Turf

Get the best artificial turf in San Jose for your deck. You can choose one that’s similar to the natural grass in your area for a cohesive look or one that’s distinctive for a unique aesthetic. Install it on your deck like a pro by following these steps:

    1. Measure your deck and determine the amount of turf necessary to cover it.
    2. Unroll the synthetic turf and leave it that way for an hour to flatten it out.
    3. Add two inches to the length and width of the deck measurements to the turf. The excess will allow for overhang. Cut the artificial turf according to the new dimensions using a utility knife.
    4. Attach the turf by spreading adhesive down the deck. Apply a thin layer across the wood with a trowel, held at 45 degrees.
    5. If you have to use more than one section of turf, apply adhesive to the next part using the trowel. Place it flush against the first section. Apply seam sealer along the joint carefully so that the edges sit seamlessly across the deck.
    6. Continue installing the turf sections until the deck is covered.
    7. Trim excess turf along the edges with a utility knife.
    8. Roll over the deck using the weighted lawn roller to ensure that the turf is pressed down correctly.
    9. Let it sit for 24 hours to give the adhesive time to harden.

That’s it! You now have a gorgeous-looking DIY outdoor deck grass design that you can be proud of. Made with the best artificial turf in San Jose, it’s a unique landscape your friends, family and guests will surely enjoy!

Create a Unique Outdoor Deck Using High-Quality Artificial Grass!

Ready to “add grass” to your outdoor deck? Head to Artificial Turf Express for all your DIY installation needs! We only supply the best artificial grass accessories for any kind of turf installation project. Call us now at 408-317-4730 for inquiries!