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How Long Will My Artificial Grass Last?

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on March 7, 2019
Artificial GrassArtificial Lawn
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Artificial grass will last for a long time as long as it is made well. It will look fresh and green for nearly its entire life as well. That is one reason why many home and business owners opt for synthetic turf over natural grass.

Exactly how long artificial grass will last depends on many factors. From the environment it’s in, to proper installation, and how much foot traffic it gets all play a factor. Here are some things to be aware of regarding the life of your synthetic turf.

Good Installation Equals Long Life

Good, quality installation is a primary factor in extending the life of your artificial grass. Installers must properly prepare the ground to help the fabric mesh backing withstand foot traffic and weather in years to come. The ground must be leveled with dips and valleys removed in order for the backing to stick to the ground without movement. Correct installation can help it last for many years.

Part of the installation is laying the infill. Infill is the substance that fills in between the blades and mesh. It keeps blades standing straight and tall, while also giving the lawn a spongy cushion feel to the feet. Infill also helps protect the mesh from the other elements.

There are several types of infill and all have different lifespans. The most popular are coated silica, which is made from sand, and rubber. There are also other infills that are organic and offer a natural alternative.

Good Quality Makes It Last

Getting a quality artificial grass product will add years to your lawn. Synthetic grass blades are typically made from nylon and polyurethane, so they are made to withstand a lot of use and weather. However, you need to make sure the quality of the mesh and nylon fibers are up to standards. Look at their construction to be sure they are manufactured well and check the company’s reputation.

You should also look at the warranty offered. The standard length of time for a warranty is 10 years, but some companies offer a 20-year or even 25-year warranty.

Weather Affects It

Synthetic grass is made to be durable and withstand extreme temperatures. It can handle anything from 100-plus temperatures in the summer to below freezing winter temperatures. However, a climate of constant extreme weather can eventually take its toll on your synthetic lawn. Be sure to ask how the product is expected to handle extreme weather.

High Traffic Contributes to Wear

Artificial grass will last well even with high traffic, but the amount of use it gets will contribute to wear and tear. Consider how much foot traffic you plan to have, from garden parties to children playing. You also need to consider whether pets will be using the yard to go to the bathroom or to play.

Synthetic grass is meant to hold up well with children and animals. Dogs can’t dig through it or chew it up. Playgrounds with synthetic grass are also great options for both safety and durability. One thing to remember is there is some maintenance that comes with both high traffic and pet use.

Good Maintenance

Maintaining your artificial grass will help it last longer. It is low maintenance but still requires some upkeep. That includes an occasional spray down or perhaps refilling it with infill after some years of use. It also helps to move outdoor furniture and brush areas that could be crushed by heavy objects over time.

Understanding what contributes to the life of artificial grass helps you extend the life of your lawn. Being aware of what you can do to get the most out of your synthetic turf will help you increase the value of your investment.