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Glen & Bonnie’s Golden Opportunity

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on March 1, 2013
Artificial Lawn
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Glen & Bonnie’s Golden Opportunity

When Glen and Bonnie McCormick put in a saltwater pool as part of a backyard renovation, they were looking forward to swimming laps against the jets, hosting poolside barbecues and cocktail parties, and playing with their two rambunctious, water-loving Golden retrievers, Sophie and Rose. Mostly, the plan went well. The landscaping looked great, the pool was a popular gathering spot, and the dogs loved, loved, loved jumping in and out of the water and running around the yard.

But after two years of dealing with the results of muddy paws – tracks in the house, dirt in the pool, and soggy, squishy sod all around the pool’s edge – Glen had had enough. He even talked to his architect about options for paving the entire area. Luckily, the architect offered a better solution: artificial turf.


Glen was pretty skeptical at first. Wouldn’t fake grass look, well, fake? Would it be slippery or feel weird to walk on? Would his friends think it was plastic and tacky?

After doing some research and testing several samples, Glen decided to go ahead with artificial turf installation. After nearly a year, he’s still very pleased with the result. Unless he tells them, guests don’t even realize the grass is artificial. The lush turf complements both his landscape and hardscape, maintenance is minimal, and Sophie and Rose have the run of the place.

Yes, the Goldens still sometimes shake off onto the guests after a swim, but at least now it’s a clean shake!

To speak to a technical advisor, just give us a call at 408.413.3179.


Synthetic grass for dogs