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DIY for Mother’s Day?

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on May 5, 2013
Artificial Lawn
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DIY for Mothers Day

Last week, we had a customer (I’ll call him Bob) come to us with an interesting idea for a Mother’s Day gift. His mom’s always loved to garden, but doing yard work had become harder and harder over the years. A couple of years ago she had moved from her longtime home into a smaller town home with a compact, shaded courtyard. Bob wanted to make sure his mom had plenty of hands-on space for plantings and some grassy areas for reading and entertaining friends.


But he worried that grass would really struggle in such a confined, shady space. And he realized that mowing and maintaining would take a lot of effort for such a small plot of grass. So he’s planning an artificial turfgrass oval in the center of the courtyard, surrounded by raised beds that will give his mom easy access.

This plan will let her focus her efforts on the plantings she loves, while ensuring that the lawn is always plush, beautiful, well drained and perfectly manicured.

We can’t wait to hear about his mom’s reaction. We’ll do our best to post photos of the installation and the result.

Happy Mother’s Day! Hint, hint: Wouldn’t your mom like a maintenance-free lawn?

To speak to a design advisor, just give us a call at 408.413.3179.