What is LEED Certification
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification is a great benefit for business owners and synthetic grass can help you achieve it. The U.S. Green Building Council said that it “provides building owners and operators a framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations, and maintenance solutions.”
Essentially, being LEED certified is a way to constantly help the environment in all throughout design and operations. All you need to do to earn this certification is earn enough credits as you develop green buildings. Some of these credits you need to earn the certification can be granted by installing synthetic grass.
Why Does Synthetic Grass Help
Synthetic grass doesn’t need watering which means you’re drastically reducing water waste. Doesn’t matter if the summer sun is beating down, there are no sprinklers necessary! Think of how much water you would save.
You also don’t need to use fertilizer or pesticides on synthetic grass when means no runoff chemicals making its way into natural waterways.
Synthetic grass is also 100% recyclable depending on the product which means manufacturers can reuse the product for other projects.
These are just the environmental friendly benefits, there are so many more benefits that will help your business in the long run and help you attain that LEED certification that you want! Contact us today to get on your way to LEED certification and a greener business!