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5 Drought Problems You Can Solve With Synthetic Grass

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on October 9, 2019
Artificial GrassArtificial Lawn
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Droughts can strike anywhere. When these are prolonged, local governments will enact water restrictions to ensure there is enough water for the necessities of life. Naturally, when this happens, lawns and other outdoor plants are the first to struggle. In areas where drought problems occur frequently, homeowners must work much harder to maintain their lawns through every season and climate change. Fortunately, artificial grass provides homeowners the ability to keep their lawn looking beautiful without having to worry about local legislation involving water restrictions.

Synthetic Grass Doe Not Need Water

One of the biggest drought problems homeowners face are municipal water restrictions. With state and local government water restrictions in place, homeowners can face stiff fines for using water unnecessarily. In California, homeowners risk fines of up to $500 per day for each violation if caught using water for lawns or to wash vehicles. This includes irrigating lawns and gardens. This is obviously not a concern for a homeowner with an artificial grass lawn. As turf does not require any water, it will maintain its look through years of drought or rain. Also, this will help limit your impact on the drought and environment. You won’t have to worry about fines or unnecessary water usage.

No “Dead” Areas

Prolonged lack of rain will eventually cause dead or bare areas in a lawn, especially in areas with an abundance of shade. Grass needs the right combination of sun and moisture to thrive. When one or both are limited, dead areas will begin to appear. Once dead spots begin to appear, it becomes extremely difficult to keep the soil loose enough to reseed or allow the grass to reclaim the barren area. In areas where drought conditions are common, areas with excessive foot traffic are the first to dry out and get spotty. Don’t let your lawn become dead grass and learn how turf can eliminate common backyard problems.

No Discoloration

When grass is deprived of water it will begin to lose its color and turn from a dark vibrant green to shades of brown. With artificial grass, there is no discoloration or loss of texture. Discoloration can also come from overfeeding a lawn, excessive shade, and shadows from buildings. Installing synthetic grass provides uniform color throughout the lawn, even in areas where shade is prominent. There is no need for fertilizer or additionally hydration to keep the lawn looking natural.

No Need to Reseed

With artificial turf, there is no need to reseed or apply fertilizer or weed killer. Drought and water problems enhance the difficulty of reseeding. The states that experience drought conditions on a regular basis will often enforce water restrictions on homeowners. When this happens, reseeding becomes an impossible task. Without the necessary water, seeds will not germinate and the bare spots remain. Meaning that a lawn can go for prolonged periods where it becomes increasingly bare. This not only looks bad but even once a restriction is lifted it will take more time and money to grow it back. In lawns where artificial turf has been installed, there is no need for watering or reseeding, ever.

Maintains Evergreen Look In Intense Heat

Drought and extreme temperatures often come hand in hand. This can cause extreme damage to even the hardiest of grasses. Artificial turf is not affected by heat and is resistant to most other drought problems. Drought conditions can cause what little water is in the ground to evaporate. Even drought-resistant grasses that have deep root beds will begin to suffer from the lack of hydration. Homeowners who choose artificial turf over natural grass lawns do so for many reasons. Not only because of water limitations, but also because of its durability during extreme weather conditions. Learn why synthetic turf is perfect for the extreme weather in California.