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Learn The Different Design Ideas You Could Create With Synthetic Grass

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on February 27, 2018
Artificial GrassArtificial Lawn
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Synthetic grass is like any other item you design with – You can do practically anything your mind can imagine. Don’t let the normal uses of artificial grass keep you from getting creative with synthetic turf. There are so many different ways to use turf and in this article, we will highlight a few of the most common ways artificial turf is being used. But again, don’t let it keep you from creating new ideas!


Exterior Synthetic Turf Applications

Recreation Fields

Artificial turf is great for recreational uses. It is a perfect surface for recreational use because it is so durable and is installed on flat ground, which keeps the playing surface safer. And speaking of safer, you can even add an additional padding to help make falls easier. Below are a few of the most common recreational uses:

  • Putting Greens
  • Bocce Ball Court
  • Badminton
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball Courts
  • Soccer Fields
  • Football Fields
  • And much more!

Dog Play Areas

Dogs can be a huge problem on natural grass. From digging to running, your dog can quickly ruin a beautiful lawn. By installing artificial grass in your dog area, you can prevent a few of the following issues:

  • No more holes
  • No more worn out tracks from dog play
  • No more dead grass from dog urination

Synthetic grass can be the perfect solution for a backyard, dog run, pet park, and more!

Green Roofs and Balconies

Creating an outdoor atmosphere on rooftops and balconies can be very difficult. But by installing artificial turf on the ground, you can quickly make your area much more enjoyable. Now throw a few plants into the area and you feel as if you are walking down your very own personal garden.

Interior Synthetic Turf Applications


It may sound crazy, but placing artificial turf inside can really give it a unique vibe depending on the area.  It brings a vibrant green to the room and can make the whole area feel more comfortable! It is great for man caves, garages and is often used at gyms to create a softer floor. Gyms are not the only common areas to see this type of installation. It is also very common to see it on indoor sports fields.

Vertical walls

This one may seem really far out there, but synthetic grass is also giving life to walls! Many corporate buildings are starting to put artificial turf on their walls to give the area a more vibrant look and also create a unique design that will catch peoples eyes. Sometimes they will even incorporate a corporate logo into the grass.

However you choose to use artificial turf is never wrong! There are tons of uses for turf beyond the common yard installation.  Don’t be afraid to experiment and take a look around the internet to see how others are using turf to design.