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Top 4 Creative Uses for Synthetic Grass

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on November 14, 2016
Artificial GrassArtificial Lawn
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Best Uses for Synthetic Grass: Honing your creativity

At Artificial Turf Express, we are always astounded at all of the creative uses for synthetic grass. We often get to see people apply their creativity into their turf installations, and we have assisted customers with many projects. Here are some of the coolest uses for synthetic grass that we’ve seen!


1. Artificial Grass Dog Parks

IMG_2689-300x200We recently assisted the San Jose Downtown Association with a pop-up dog park project. For this project, they installed our turf for dogs in an urban environment. The dog park is near San Pedro Square, which has become an increasingly popular location for food and drinks.

We have provided turf for several dog parks and pet facilities in the Northern California area. Whether it’s a full-size dog park, a pop up dog park, or just a back yard dog run, artificial turf is undoubtedly the best choice!


2. Living Walls – Walls of Artificial Turf

Wall-300x169Living walls are one of the coolest gardening projects, but they’re difficult to maintain. Because they’re literally working against gravity, keeping your plants alive and healthy is very challenging.

The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art has its very own living wall, but maintaining one probably isn’t in your budget. Instead, maybe you should think about a wall of turf. We have seen them at many businesses in the Silicon Valley. Maintaining an artificial turf living wall is even easier than an artificial turf lawn!

3. Artificial Grass Putting Greens

IMG_0318-300x225 Artificial turf putting greens are by far our most tried and true creative uses for synthetic grass. With synthetic grass, you can customize the breaks and undulations. You can chip to your putting green, and you can even adjust the ball speed with our pro putting green turf. Some people prefer a slower putting green, while other prefer it to play faster. We also have a low infill putting green product, which can be used for leisure golfers.

The most important thing to know about artificial grass putting greens is that they are very versatile, and are one of our most popular products. We know you’ll love having one in your back or front yard!

4. Synthetic Grass for Patios, Decks, and Pools

13254733_1216519051692634_1686908072491666977_o-300x225 A lot of people have been asking us about getting artificial turf for their patios, decks, and pools. We have recently published an article about the benefits of getting turf for your pool. We have sold turf for many backyard pool deck jobs, and have seen many exciting projects come to fruition.

One of the biggest benefits of getting synthetic grass for your pool area is that your pool will stay cleaner. It won’t get clouded up with debris from your lawn, nor will it get muddy.