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The Benefits of Artificial Turf

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on June 8, 2017
Artificial LawnArtificial Turf
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You know the feeling when you’re running down the field and your foot gets caught in a little dip in the grass and you almost sprain your ankle? That never happens on synthetic turf. It’s always level, clear, and consistent which means you can see the boundaries, goal lines, etc. There are also no issues with balls rolling or bouncing oddly whether it’s a field hockey ball, soccer ball, or  football. On synthetic turf, any ball will roll smoothly over it and there will be significantly less sprained ankles or other injuries due to not level surfaces. Granted, you still need to make sure all obstacles are out of the way!


The video below will show a FieldTurf representative talk about the excellent benefits and amazing qualities that artificial turf provides. It will even show the visual different of playing sports on natural grass versus artificial turf.

Artificial Turf Express is a proud installer of FieldTurf and all it’s benefits. To see why many other facilities chose FieldTurf, contact us today at 408.606.9550.