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3 Reasons Why Installing An Artificial Putting Green Makes Perfect Sense!

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on June 17, 2018
Artificial LawnArtificial Turf InstallationPutting Greens
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Those who love golf will love using synthetic turf to create their own artificial putting green at their home or office. There are some solid reasons why an artificial putting green is a good idea.

Allows for Quick Breaks

If you work from home or have an office, there are times you need a five or 10-minute break to clear your head and reduce stress. An artificial putting green offers the perfect solution. It allows you to stay where you are, but take a few minutes to try a few putts before getting back to work. That is much more efficient than getting in a car at lunch and trying to make it to the putting range at a nearby course.


Plus, those who have home offices could benefit with an artificial putting green to help put visiting clients at ease. It is always easier to talk after a few putt strokes because golf lightens the mood. It could lead to some excellent sales pitches with the right clients.

An Artificial Putting Green Gives You More Practice Time

The fact your artificial putting green is convenient to you makes it easier to squeeze in practice times. This will improve your overall putting game when you do make it to a course. You also practice in more casual clothes rather than abiding by the golf club attire.

Saves You Money

Having your own artificial putting green means you will no longer need to pay practice fees, but it also saves money in other ways. You no longer will need gas to drive to a putting green, and there will be less wear and tear on your vehicle. You also won’t need to tip anyone, paying for extra balls, or buying beverages or lunch at the club. The extra money could be used to buy a new club, or do something nice for your family.

You will save money at home too because the putting green section of the yard won’t need a lot of maintenance. Artificial grass doesn’t require water, fertilizer or other chemicals. It doesn’t need mowing or another type of maintenance, so that’s money saved. You may just love synthetic grass so much for your artificial putting green that you’ll want to expand it to the rest of your yard!

Synthetic grass is durable, so it will not fade or turn brown, so the only significant expense is in purchasing it and installation. Your pets can’t dig through it, so your artificial putting green will always remain perfect both in looks and for practice. It can withstand extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, so you will never worry about it. This is something you can enjoy for years to come, as quality synthetic grass companies come with good warranties.

An artificial putting green can also be something you can enjoy with your family. You can use it to teach your children the basics of golf and build a love of the sport in them. That is something both of you will remember the rest of your lives that no one can put a price on.