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Artificial Grass & Pets – Do They Mix?

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on December 21, 2017
Artificial GrassArtificial LawnArtificial Turf for Pets
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Many people are under the impression that if they own a dog, then they can’t enjoy the benefits of artificial turf. We hear it all the time – “the durability, low maintenance, and beautiful appearance of artificial grass really appeal to me, but I have 2 dogs, so I guess it’s not a great option for me.” These statements couldn’t be any farther from the truth! Artificial grass and pets mix perfectly and in fact, turf ends up being a better fit than a natural lawn. Here is why:



Installing artificial grass in your lawn allows you to keep your lawn free from dog holes. Our turf is created to withstand a dog’s, or any other animals, habit of digging. The turf’s durability can withstand a lot of action and dogs trying to dig is just one of them! Stop dealing with constantly finding holes in your lawn!


Cleaning your artificial turf is simple with pets. All you need to do is dispose of their solid waste (nobody wants that in their yard anyways) and just hose down any area they use – both number 1 and number 2. This helps wash away any substance and keeps your lawn smelling great.

Keeping your lawn looking great will also take you picking up other foreign objects like twigs, leaves, chewing gum, etc.


All artificial grass has built in drainage designs that are suitable for pets. The best among them are the following backing types: Hole punch and coffee filter. These allow for any urine to freely flow through the turf and ultimately into the ground. Learn more about our artificial turf specifically designed for pets.

Get Artificial Grass For Your WHOLE Family

There are several artificial grass products that are specifically designed with dogs and cats in mind. They are extra-durable, unable to stain, odor-resistant, and have great draining capabilities for potty time! But you don’t have to purchase this specific type of turf just because you have pets. Any turf product will work for your family!

It is time to spoil your pets! Don’t you think they deserve it? No more scolding them for dirty paws or wholes in your lawn. Contact Artificial Turf Express today and see how we can get you started on your way to a beautiful backyard.