Synthetic grass can help put money in your pocket in several ways. One of those ways is increasing the marketability, and possibly the value, of your property.
There aren’t any sound statistics on how much synthetic grass can increase property values. Most real estate executives state it doesn’t dramatically increase the sale price, like renovating a bathroom or kitchen does. However, it does help your property’s resale in several ways.
Synthetic Grass Improves Curb Appeal
The primary advantage of synthetic grass in reselling a home is the beauty it adds to the property. Real estate professionals state synthetic turf makes your property more marketable because it improves curb appeal. Curb appeal is the number one factor in getting potential buyers to look at your property.
This is especially important in certain areas of the country where it is difficult to grow grass, such as the southwest or parts of the west coast that are, technically, desert areas. Having a plush lawn in an area that is typically barren instantly improves the desirability of your property and that can translate into dollars when you sell it.
Synthetic Grass Saves Money
Once you install synthetic grass, you will no longer need to do things like mow, weed, hire lawn maintenance companies or buy chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides. You also will not be paying high water bills to keep your lawn watered. Statistics show that homeowners save an average of 55 gallons of water for every square foot of synthetic grass installed. Learn about the 7 chores you will eliminate with artificial grass.
That will save you money directly over the life of your lawn, but it also is a perk when you decide to sell your property. New homeowners, particularly those who have demanding jobs, will likely pay more for property that is incredibly low maintenance. That is especially true since they know they will also not need to buy lawn care products or spend money to maintain it over the years they own the property.
Synthetic Grass is Ecological
Many people are environmentally conscious and the idea of doing what they can to improve the environment is something they work toward. Synthetic grass helps the environment in two ways:
- Water conservation
- Reduced use of chemicals
Not only do homeowners seek to save water, many local governments are mandating that as well. Some cities even mandate that certain synthetic grasses and infills are used in some developments to conserve water. This makes a property with all those measures in place more desirable on the market.
The biggest way synthetic turf helps the environment is by reducing, or even eliminating, lawn chemicals. These chemicals seep into the soil and, ultimately, make their way into underground streams that lead to public water systems. Chemicals in public water have been linked to health problems, especially among children.
Whether you want to keep your home for decades or know you will sell in just a few years, installing synthetic turf will help you enjoy your yard more now and make it more attractive to buyers later.