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Need more outdoor space? Look up instead

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on September 18, 2013
Artificial Lawn
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A Rooftop Garden

A Rooftop Garden or Deck Can Be Your Private Getaway

In most urban communities, backyard space is at a premium. Level, accessible, private yard space is even harder to find. That’s why rooftop gardens are becoming increasingly popular all across the US.


A rooftop garden is a great way to create a beautiful, private space, often with scenic views and seasonal breezes. Even a very small rooftop gardens can become an easy, soothing getaway in the heart of the city.

Of course, there are things to consider. Is the roof accessible or can it be made accessible? Are there mechanical systems that must be moved or disguised? How much weight can the roof support? What are the applicable building codes? Once you’ve addressed those factors, a rooftop garden can quickly become a reality.

We often think of rooftops as hot, dirty places that no one except a roofer or repairman ever sees. That’s the beauty of synthetic turf – it can instantly transform an ugly utilitarian space into a lush green “living” retreat.

Installing synthetic sod eliminates many of the weight and drainage concerns that once limited rooftop access. Artificial sod is soft, lightweight, does not retain water, and requires minimal maintenance. It withstands sun, salt and weather extremes, and stands up to heavy foot traffic, furniture and container plantings, so it’s perfect for an entertaining area.

Rooftop installation is slightly different, although usually easier, than conventional backyard installations. Interested? YourTurfStore supplies all the specialty glues and other materials (and expertise) you’ll need to spend next season up on the roof!

To speak to a technical advisor, just give us a call at 408.413.3179