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How to Landscape Your Swimming Pool With the Best Artificial Turf

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on December 15, 2022
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Benefits of the Best Artificial Turf for Pools +Landscaping Ideas

The perfect landscape can turn your pool into the perfect vacation getaway. It will also set the ambiance of the place so that every time you stay there, you’ll feel happy and relaxed. Start your pool makeover with the best artificial turf.

5 Basic Considerations for Poolside Flooring

When it comes to creating a well-designed swimming pool, safety should be a top priority. Regardless of the pool’s size, shape, or depth, the area surrounding the pool should be a safe and secure environment. Selecting the right flooring for your poolside area is essential for preventing slips and falls and creating a safe and inviting atmosphere. There are many flooring options available, so it is important to consider the durability, traction, and maintenance requirements of each option.

In general, however, you need to account for the following:

1. Slip-resistant surface

One of the most important safety considerations for poolside flooring is a slip-resistant surface. The flooring should be designed to provide maximum traction, even when wet. Choose materials with a textured finish to create an anti-slip surface, and avoid smooth finishes that can be slippery. Non-slip mats can also be used to add extra grip. Additionally, consider other materials that are specifically designed for wet areas, such as rubber or special poolside tiles. These materials are designed to provide a secure, slip-resistant surface.

2. Easy to clean and maintain

When it comes to poolside flooring, easy cleaning and maintenance are key. The flooring should be able to resist heavy foot traffic and exposure to water and chemicals, such as chlorine and salt water. It should also be easy to clean and maintain. Look for flooring that is made of materials that can be easily wiped down or mopped. Also, consider non-slip materials that will prevent slips and falls.

3. Appropriate drainage

Third, appropriate drainage should be one of the top considerations when selecting poolside flooring. The pool area needs to be well-drained to prevent water damage, reduce the risk of slips and falls, and make sure the flooring isn’t permanently damaged by pool chemicals. The flooring should be designed to channel water away from the pool and into a drainage system. Additionally, it should have enough traction to prevent slips and falls when wet.

4. UV-stabilized

The fourth safety consideration to take into account when choosing poolside flooring is UV stabilization. UV-stabilized flooring is designed to withstand direct exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays without fading, cracking, or becoming discolored over time. It is especially important to choose UV-stabilized flooring if the area is exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time or if the flooring will be out in the open and exposed to the elements. In addition to UV stabilization, look for flooring that is non-slip to ensure that your poolside is as safe as possible.

5. Durable and long-lasting material

When you’re looking for the best poolside flooring, you should always consider durability and long-lasting material. Slippery surfaces can be a major hazard around pools, so it’s important to choose a material that won’t wear out easily. Make sure to check the material’s weight rating and other safety certifications to make sure it meets safety standards and won’t crack or break under the weight of furniture or people.

Why Not Just Stick to Tiles?

For many homeowners and business owners in the area, tiles are the go-to material for pool surrounds because they’re water resistant. They also come in a wide array of colors and patterns that can breathe new life into the place.

Unfortunately, tiles have proven to be a risky choice when it comes to pool surrounds. If you’re considering tile for poolside flooring, the following should make you think twice:

1. Tiles are incredibly slippery when wet

One of the primary dangers of using tiles as poolside flooring is that they can become slippery when wet. This is due to the fact that the surface of a tile is generally quite smooth, which allows for a buildup of water and a lack of traction for those walking on them. This can lead to slips, trips and falls, which can cause serious injury.

2. They can be difficult to clean

Tiles, especially porous tiles, can become dirty and stained quickly due to exposure to chlorine and other chemicals, as well as dirt and debris from swimmers. This can lead to a slippery surface, which increases the risk of slips and falls. Additionally, the grout between the tiles can become discolored and stained, making them difficult to clean without special cleaners.

3. There is a risk of sharp edges

When installing tiles as poolside flooring, it is important to be aware of the dangers of sharp edges. While tiles can provide a beautiful, long-lasting, and easy-to-clean surface for pool decks, they can also present a serious risk of injury if not properly installed. When tiles are cut, they are often left with sharp edges that can easily cause cuts and lacerations to bare feet.

4. Temperature changes can cause cracks and chips in the tiles

When the temperature shifts, it can cause the tiles to crack and chip. This can be especially problematic when the tiles are located around the pool, as the pool water is constantly changing temperature. Tiles can also be affected by extreme temperatures, whether it’s too hot or too cold.

5. Tiles can become stained or discolored over time

This can be caused by exposure to the sun’s UV rays, dirt and grime from swimmers’ feet, and cleaning products used to maintain the area. The stained or discolored tiles can make the pool area look unsightly and can also be difficult to clean.

In conclusion, tiles can be dangerous as poolside flooring when they become wet. The risks increase when the tiles are in a high-traffic area, are made of smooth materials and are placed on a steep incline. To avoid potential injuries, it is best to opt for non-slip poolside floorings, and one of the best options is artificial grass.

Why Artificial Grass Is the Better Poolside Flooring

The best artificial turf offers benefits for pools that tiles (and natural grass) can’t match.


Unlike tiles, artificial grass does not become slippery when wet. Its synthetic grass blades provide traction, thanks to their texture and sturdy construction.


Artificial grass is soft and springy, which makes it great for lounging poolside. Its comfortable surface is also one of the reasons why it’s perfect for older people, kids, and pets.


Unlike real grass, synthetic grass is dirt-free, so you won’t get muddy and you don’t have to worry about it turning your pool water dirty.


Artificial grass has great drainage, so pool spillover won’t form puddles on its surface. It also dries quickly, especially if it’s under direct sunlight.


Sun and water exposure won’t wear away the vibrant, green color of fake grass. After all, it has UV protection and is water resistant. So you can be sure that it’ll look great for years to come.

How to Landscape Your Poolside Area With Artificial Grass

Breathe new life into your swimming pool landscape with these design ideas:

Make It Multifunctional

Artificial grass is perfect for various activities, so with the right design, you can make your turf pool surrounds more than one purpose. For example, you can turn it into the best putting greens by adding holes in various places.

Curve the Edges

Curves will help you create a seamless transition from your synthetic grass lawn to the border of your pool. It’s also a subtle echo of the waves in the pool when someone is swimming in it.

Mix Turf and Pavers

You can do basic stripes or a checkerboard pattern with plain pavers. If you want something more creative, use pavers with different designs that contrast or complement artificial grass.

Pick Bright Colors

Instead of green turf, landscape your pool with artificial grasses in bright hues, such as pink and turquoise. It’s a surefire way to make your pool look stylish and unique.

Use Several Synthetic Turfs

For a more organic look, install artificial grasses with different pile heights and colors. You can create a gradient effect by installing the ones with the lightest colors by the pool and the darkest ones farthest.

Give Your Pool a Makeover With the Best Artificial Turf in San Jose

If you’re in the market for high-quality artificial grasses for pool landscaping, we’ve got you covered here at Artificial Turf Express.

We also offer synthetic turf infill, accessories, turf cleaners, and other installation essentials. All our products are on hand and ready for pickup, so you can get started on your DIY project right away.

If you have any questions about our products or how to install them, just send us a message online or call us at 408-317-4730. We’d be happy to help!