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DIY Backyard Fun: 3 Brilliant Ideas Using the Best Artificial Turf!

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on October 19, 2020
Artificial Turf
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What’s your children’s favorite place in the whole world? With just a bit of creativity,  DIY skills, and the best artificial turf, the answer can be your own backyard!

Artificial grass is an excellent material for kid-friendly applications. With the options to add shock-absorbent padding under the turf that can cushion trips and falls that occur during playtime. It’s hypoallergenic, non-toxic, and feels soft to the touch.

In addition, there’s no waiting for it to grow. You can cut it to fit areas of any shape, size, and surface. No mowing, cutting, watering, and all those tedious maintenance tasks, too! Another added benefit when you DIY the project, you can save a lot of money on labor costs.

3 DIY Design Ideas for Backyard Play Spaces

Once you’ve found a reliable provider of artificial turf and accessories, all that’s left is letting your imagination run wild.

Pro-tip: invite your kids to brainstorm ideas for their new playground. Make it a fun DIY weekend for the whole family! Kickstart the project using these ideas:

1. Create Chalkboard Walls

Children of all ages love to write and draw on everything they can reach. So, why not give them the perfect canvas – and say goodbye to scrubbing crayon marks – in their own outdoor play area?

Instead of pen and paper, put up a chalkboard wall in one corner of your backyard. Alternatively, you can also paint your fence with chalkboard paint for a bigger art surface.

2. Tree Swings

If you have a sturdy tree in your backyard, you can install a hanging swing for your children. Parents naturally worry about safety, but the best artificial turf in San Jose adds an extra layer of protection. You can install soft padding under the turf surface to absorb impact and cushion falls.

Get creative and make adorable swings using household items, such as:

  • Old tires – Try painting them with fun colors!
  • Circular wood – Drill a hole in the middle and insert the swing rope in the hole.
  • Old pillows – Imitate a hammock using an old pillow.
  • Broken or unused chairs – Remove the chair legs and hang from the tree using ropes.

3. Mini Putting Green

Let your kids discover the fun of playing golf by setting up a mini-golf course in your backyard.

Before starting, make sure to get the best putting greens for the project. Look out for the following qualities when searching for artificial grass for your mini-golf course:

  • Short grass blades
  • Finely textured fibers
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Non-toxic
  • Durable
  • Drains quickly

Then, get the mini-golf putters, mini-golf balls, and mini-golf flags ready! You can keep your green simple, or go over the top with challenges like multiple holes, fringes, and other fun features.

Don’t forget to customize the flags with your kids’ names and favorite colors! Who knows, you might just have a budding pro on your hands.

Fantastic DIY Results Begin with the Best Artificial Turf

There’s something so special about going DIY on home improvement. Aside from being cost-effective, there’s also a sense of accomplishment creating something with your own hands. Let the experts at Artificial Turf Express help – trust us for the best synthetic grass, accessories, and more. Call us today at 408-317-4730 to see how we can help with your project!