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Teaming Up with Artificial Turf Express: A Contractor’s Best Friend

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on January 12, 2015
Artificial LawnArtificial Turf
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Contractors and landscapers filled with the task of redoing a back yard or a commercial property need to look no further than Artificial Turf Express (ATE) for their ideas, helps, accessories, and supplies. As a professional hired to design a yard, having a one-stop shop to acquire all of the necessary supplies is a landscaper’s gold mine.


In the event your customer has allowed you to create and design a beautiful back yard with synthetic turf, a stunning back yard oasis with a putting green, a practical dog run for Fido, or a larger commercial project, your objective is to deliver not only a great look at feel, but also the supplies to make the dream a reality at an affordable price.

Whether you are an expert at laying artificial grass or a beginner, ATE has a staff of qualified, experienced, and helpful people on hand to help you get the job done right. Some of the services we offer include:

  • Professionals to help you choose the right synthetic grass for the project
  • Assistance loading the product from our store
  • Accessories to complete the job such as infill, sand, glue, staples
  • Specialty orders
  • Answers to your most common questions and directions to help you complete the project
  • Same day project support

We appreciate and value your need to deliver exceptional products installed correctly. Our services assist you in every facet, helping you from conception to completion and every step along the way. Visit our showroom to see our many selections of artificial lawn and accessories so that when you are approached to bid for a project, you are prepared to deliver extraordinary creations with exceptional value. And you will have the confidence of having a support team to guide you in case you need a second opinion.

Share some experiences you have installing synthetic grass. What hurdles did you face along the way? How can we help you design and install your next project?