Monday - Friday: 7:30AM - 4:30PM Saturday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM

370 Umbarger Rd, San Jose, CA, 95111

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  • ATE_Wonderfill
  • Envirofill

Wonderfill 12/20 Green



Wonderfill has a special green Acryillic coating which includes Zinc Omadine™ZOE™Antimicrobial to help prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and mildew. This infill is less abrasive than other infills due to its rounder shape. This helps keep turf blades standing up straight, prevents damage to the blades, and allows the turf to drain faster!

Wonderfill is certified non-toxic and safe for both pets and kids, making it the perfect infill for your pet area! This is a 50 lb bag.



All products are set at a standard 15ft width. To determine product cost, calculate the total length you need to cover your area.

For example: if your project is 800 sqft. total, the length you would need is 15 × 54 = 810 sq ft. since a 15 x 53 is short at 795sqft. Multiply the total sqft. needed by the per square foot cost.

We ensure that we do deliveries to multiple places in a timely manner, so that our customers receive their orders as quickly as possible.