Monday - Friday: 7:30AM - 4:30PM Saturday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM

370 Umbarger Rd, San Jose, CA, 95111

white dot sm


white dot xl
  • ATE_express pet top
  • ATE_express pet side
  • ATE_express pet back

Express PET


$2.99 Per Sqft.

Color: Summer Blend with Tan Thatch
Yarn Type: Pro X Mono filament
Face Weight: 55 oz
Pile Height: 1″
Backing: Combination Flow-Through/Hole-Punched
Roll Width: 15ft

15 Years Manufacturer Warranty
*Requires 1-2 pounds of infill per sq. ft.

Spec Sheet:pdf-icon

All turf products are set at a standard 15ft width.