Informational Guides Below

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Here are some of our resources:
Download our Installation Guide
This is the installation guide that our team at Artificial Turf Express has put together, featuring the most cutting edge installation techniques, pitfalls to avoid, and the best tools you'll need.
This guide should provide you with all the information you'll need from tool types, edging, base and measuring.
Just click HERE to download your FREE Guide.

Here, you will find a series of videos by a wide range of installers. We have chosen these particular videos on purpose. We recommend watching them in order to become familiar with what is required when installing artificial turf. These videos do a great job of providing you with an overview of the many details involved with this type of project. If these general instructions are not exactly what you are looking for you may want to do a simple search on YouTube for other videos that may be more helpful for your specific question.
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