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Synthetic Grass for Hotel Playgrounds

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on May 17, 2015
Artificial GrassArtificial Lawn
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As someone in the hospitality industry, you know the importance of satisfying your customers. To better cater to families with young children, you may want to install a hotel playground area. You have a variety of playground surfaces to choose from: synthetic turf, rubber mulch, rubber tiles, wood chips and sand are just a few examples. Consider the characteristics that make synthetic turf the best choice.


  • Safe: Tumbles and falls on unsafe playground surfaces send children to the hospital every year with fractures, dislocated joints, concussions and internal injuries. The rubberized underlay of the synthetic turf carried at Artificial Turf Express meets ASTM Fall Height Standards, lowering the impact of unexpected falls and making it a safer surface for children to play on.
  • Versatile: The advanced PlayBase backing system allows playground turf to conform to any slope. The backing is engineered specifically for playground use, maximizing turf stability and ensuring a precise, contoured fit.
  • Gentle on clothing: Synthetic grass doesn’t leave grass stains, and advanced backing prevents mud from seeping through as well. Optimal draining prevents moisture buildup, minimizing downtime after a storm without fear of a muddy play surface.
  • Durable: Artificial turf is resistant to bacterial and fungal growth, is non-toxic and won’t decay or degrade over time. It can also withstand heavy use from the most rambunctious children.
  • Hypoallergenic: Grass allergies abound today, but synthetic grass turf is inorganic and safe for children with sensitive skin. Plus, pesky insects are not interested in an inedible playground surface.
  • Realistic and practical alternative to grass: Unlike real grass, artificial turf requires no watering, mowing or fertilizing, resulting in a low-maintenance play area. Synthetic grass also makes a viable play surface any time of year, since it never dies and becomes brittle or sharp the way natural grass does.

With all of these considerations in mind, it’s clear that artificial turf is the best material available for hotel playgrounds. Contact Artificial Turf Express in San Jose, CA to learn more about our synthetic surface solutions for any DIY project.