Natural Vs Synthetic Lawn – What’s the difference in cost?
There are a lot of things to consider with natural vs synthetic lawn installations. First and foremost, there are many environmental benefits, but let’s get down to the bottom line. How much is it actually going to cost? We get this question all the time. Here’s a cost analysis we’ve put together that compares natural vs synthetic lawn from Artificial Turf Express:
Traditional Sod Lawns
Grass area: 500 sq/feet
Price of sod installation: $735
Sprinkler system: $400
Fertilizer and soil: $ 50
Maintenance costs: $158/month
Repair costs: $100/year
Total: $2,781 cost in first year
All of this data is based on average reporting from Home Advisor.
Synthetic Grass Cost:
Grass area: 500 square feet
Cost per sq foot of turf: $2.27 – based on our Natural Emerald product
Cost: $1,135 for the synthetic grass.
Additional costs can include infill, staples, turf glue, and seam tape. If you want to know more, read our article about the actual cost of artificial turf.
The Final Conclusion:
Luckily, artificial turf does not have the same long-term maintenance costs that natural lawns do. In fact, based on these costs, within a couple years your turf will pay for itself. While the upfront cost may be greater for an artificial lawn, the overall savings will continue to pay off for years!
One thing to note is that at Artificial Turf Express, we only sell artificial turf and the necessary supplies. We do not do installations. For people who want to hire a professional installer, we recommend Heavenly Greens for all home and commercial installations.
There are definitely more financial benefits in choosing artificial lawns, but the environmental benefits are also amazing. This includes the water savings for artificial grass. Knowing this, we can safely say that switching from natural lawns to synthetic grass is the best option!