Water conservation is more the norm these days than in past decades, but that doesn’t mean you or your lawn need to suffer to do the right thing. There are easy, simple things you can do to conserve your most valuable resource. This is especially true in a drought.
From changing your landscaping to installing rain catchers, there are several ways to make the most of the water you have.
Changing Your Plants
Sure, the water-thirsty roses are beautiful, but not practical for hot, dry climates. Many homeowners are finding they can have thriving, blooming yards with native and drought-resistant plants. It is best to start with native plants that can thrive in your area. You may want to try a theme, like a cacti garden.
Other options are a variety of grasses, low blooming shrubs, herbs, and vegetables like broccoli or tomatoes. The bonus is you can eat what you grow! You can add other elements like boulders, pebbles and potted plants to add beauty and keep water conservation in mind.
Getting Rid of Natural Grass
Everyone knows natural grass needs constant watering. Even then, it could still turn brown and dry especially in the winter or in a drought. There are weeds that grow and it needs constant care. You need to get rid of it.
There are several alternatives to natural grass. You can reduce green yard space with concrete patios, wood decks, flagstone walkways, and a vegetable garden. You can also use pebbles and rocks to expand garden areas, create large expanded patio areas and for walkways.
While these are good, cost-effective ideas, they won’t give you the green grass you like. The best alternative for those who want that look is artificial grass. Artificial turf will give you the beauty you crave without watering or heavy-handed maintenance.
Synthetic grass looks and feels like real grass, so the kids and pets can run around on it without noticing any difference. It stays plush all year long, so you will have a constant beautiful lawn. The best part is it is low maintenance. There’s no mowing, no weed-whipping, no pesticides, no fertilizer to put out. It is great for water conservation because it needs no water. The only water you will use is a spray hose to wash away your pet’s urine or a stain from fecal matter.
Recycling Water
There are several low-cost and attractive waters to do this. You can install rain catchers along your drain spouts or near a patio and use the rainwater on your plants and garden.
You can use buckets to catch water in showers and sinks that typically goes down the drain while you’re waiting for it to turn hot. This water can be used to water plants, put in bird baths, or even to wash your car.
Wait until your dishwasher is full before you run it. Also, forget about prewashing. Today’s smart dishwashers reportedly work better if the dishes have food on them.
You can wash your laundry less often too. Towels can be used more than once or twice if you hang them up to dry after your shower. Bed sheets can go a little longer also, really up to two weeks before they need changing. Some clothes, like sweaters, shirts, and dresses can typically be worn more than once before they need washing.
Most people understand how important water conservation is, but many don’t know where to start. Implementing these ideas will make a difference not only in your water use but in your water bill too.