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Bet You Didn’t Know These – ‘Go Green’ Artificial Grass Facts

Posted by Artificial Turf Express on September 27, 2012
Artificial GrassArtificial Lawn
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When doing research for ways to improve your lawn by yourself it is always fun to see the difference we can make in the environment around us. Artificial grass may not strike you as “Going Green” because it is artificial, but there are so many ways that artificial turf is helping rather than hindering.


Artificial turf has many different benefits to the environment:

  • Water savings is probably number one, but avoiding fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides is right up there.
  • Every year in the United States at least 300 million tires are scrapped, with the production of artificial turf gives those tires a new purpose.
  • Not only is artificial grass safe and beneficial but it can also help your wallet! To properly maintain an entire field of artificial turf it costs $5,000 – that is 10x less than maintaining a field of actual grass.

There have been so many improvements made to artificial grass in many ways in order to make it better for the environment and make it more desirable for those having a tough time maintaining a bright green lawn. As for the maintenance of real grass and the effects on the environment, there is still some improvement to be made. On average it takes about $50,000 to properly maintain a field of grass, with the watering and pesticides it can really add up.

There are some nay-sayers and objections over the use of recycled tires and rubber as materials for infill, a cushioned layer under the artificial turf. But for starter, recycled materials are used. This pelletized rubber has been tested by federal and California state labs that show no adverse effects from tiny traces of organic compounds in the turf and from artificial turf water runoff.

It is amazing the things you don’t think about when it comes to the benefits that artificial grass now has on the environment, not only eliminating harmful pesticides but also saving you money! There are so many more benefits to artificial grass that are highly impressive with more improvements being made every day!

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